2023 Parade of Homes – Greater Atlanta HBA 2314

The 2023 Parade of Homes kicks off Next Weekend!
Enjoy this FREE, self-guided tour of new construction homes around the Atlanta area.
Greer catches up with Corey Deal from the Greater Atlanta HBA to get all the details!

Foreign Is here and that means it is time once Again for the Parade of Homes I am here With executive officer of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association Corey Deal now Corey it's always so much fun When it's time for the parade of homes So what do people need to know for this Year yeah well first off I just want to Say thank you so much to Atlanta's best New homes TV for your partnership with The Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association we really appreciate it it's Been a great relationship over the years For the parade this year we're super Excited we've got 21 Builders and 105 Houses across all nine counties in our Footprint so it's going to be an awesome Parade wow that is incredible that's a Lot of participation this year now the Parade happens over three weekends I Believe this year it's the last two Weekends of April and the first weekend Of May so it's a self-guided tour but That feels like a lot of homes so how do People plan out their route yeah the Best thing to do is go to Atlhomesparade.com and when you're there It'll you can bring up a map and then Once you do that and we've also got an App you can download the app or go to The website once you're in there you can Decide your route based on geography Based on price point type of home you're

Interested in and kind of plan your day Out okay Appraises this year yeah this year we've Got three uh three prizes and the way You entered the winter prizes you visit A home you fill out the card you drop it In the box and you're eligible so the More homes you visit more eligibility You have but that said we've got a 55 Inch TV sponsored by Georgia home Theater we've got a 500 gift card Sponsored by Haven design works and We've got a couple of bicycles sponsored By Regions Mortgage okay all right well Those are some pretty great prizes Okay So If it's coming up it's going to be Happening like we said the last two Weekends of April plus the first weekend Of May and to find out any additional Information just head to that website Atlhomespray.com

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