Atlanta Hidden Gem Neighborhoods

All right so everyone’s heard of Buckhead and Midtown and Inman Park but Today I’m going to give you five Absolute Hidden Gem neighborhoods that Even a lot of atlantans haven’t heard of That’s coming up right now [Music] Hey everyone welcome back to living in Atlanta this YouTube channel is all About what it’s like to live in the Atlanta Georgia area if this is your First time to my Channel I want you to Check out my playlists and my old videos There is a lot of content that I filmed Over the last three or four years there Is a tour for nearly every neighborhood In the city there are tours of Homes at Different price points there is a ton of Content that should be super helpful Whether you’re visiting or deciding to Move here so make sure you check out Some of my older videos alright so today We are going to talk about Hidden Gem Neighborhoods personally I really pride Myself on talking about neighborhoods That a lot of other YouTube channels or Articles or magazines don’t usually Discuss the reality is there are a lot Of great places to live in Atlanta and You can get some value and some great Culture and experiences in many Neighborhoods that you haven’t heard Talked about and the best part is all Five of these neighborhoods are pretty

Affordable they’re either in the city or Very close to the city and they’re all In pretty quiet safe neighborhoods so Let’s get into it my top five Hidden Gem Atlanta neighborhoods hey real quick Before we get into the list I make these Videos so that you’ll reach out to me I Am a real estate agent and real estate Team leader here in Atlanta Georgia so If you have any buying or selling needs Anywhere in the Atlanta metro area Please reach out to me you can call me Or book a zoom call for free anytime you Want all right at number five on the List I have Pine Lake now Pine Lake Georgia is the smallest city in DeKalb County it is just outside the perimeter To the Northeast this neighborhood has Less than a thousand residents and it Has a reputation as being kind of artsy And offbeat there was even an article Written I think a couple years ago in Curbed highlighting what a funky little Offbeat place this is to live this Little area has been a hub for artists And musicians ever since it was created There is a lakefest festival each year With bands and music and good food that A lot of people enjoy and yes there is An actual 12 acre Lake it’s a public Lake anyone can go check it out I’ve Actually taken my kayak out there before It’s not the cleanest water but it’s a Great scenic view and uh it’s a great

Place to get on the water if you’re Itching to do so so if you’re Artistically inclined and you don’t want To be too far from the city you want a Little bit of seclusion a little woodsy Area near a lake you should definitely Check out Pine Lake at number four and These are in no particular order by the Way this is not an order from worst to Best but at number four I have Midway Woods now a lot of people are really Surprised when I take them through Midway woods they didn’t realize it was There a little town right off Memorial Drive it’s sandwiched in between Oakhurst Avondale and Belvedere Park This is a quaint little really Tight-knit community on the east side of Atlanta of course one of the biggest Benefits of this neighborhood is great Proximity to downtown Atlanta other Areas like Oakhurst which which are Hugely desirable Avondale Estates is a Great place to be close to so you know It’s in town close to everything that You would need but it’s also kind of set Back you don’t really feel like you’re As in the mix as you would with some of The closer neighborhoods it has a Reputation for being very safe and Community oriented and it’s going to be A little bit more affordable than the Adjacent neighborhoods of Oakhurst or Avondale Estates now I’m not saying

Midway Woods is cheap it’s probably Going to cost you at least four hundred Thousand dollars to get in here even in A smaller home but that’s a lot less Than some of the adjacent higher end Areas so if you’re looking to be on the East side but want to be in town if you Want to be close to downtown Decatur but Really can’t afford those prices I Definitely think it’s worth checking out Midway Woods at number three I have Douglasville now most people know about Douglasville but I think it can get Written off and honestly I think there’s Tremendous value in Douglasville you’re About 25 minutes west of the city so if You do work in Atlanta it’s an easy Commute into town and and this is really A neighborhood where your dollar is Going to go further if you’re someone Looking for a little bit more of a rural Feel if you want maybe a larger piece of Land a piece of wooded land Douglasville Could be a great option for you it’s Also got a super cute kind of historic Downtown area with plenty of shops and Things to do and a surprising amount of TV and film is shot in Douglasville so If you’re looking to be close to the City but are having trouble finding Something in your budget Douglasville is An area where you can actually find a Move-in ready home in the mid to high 200s which is really rare for Atlanta

These days and Tyler Perry is actually Currently selling his massive estate in Douglasville so maybe you’re not on a Budget maybe you’re massively wealthy And you want to build a huge estate I Mean an area like Douglasville set Outside of the city an area where you Can buy a lot of land way more Affordable than you would be able to in North Atlanta could be a good option for Someone extremely wealthy as well so Definitely want to include Douglasville On my list because I don’t think it gets Enough love all right number two on my List is Mableton now Mableton is pretty Close to Douglasville just a little bit North it’s going to be closer to the City it’s about 15 minute drive directly West of the city of Atlanta and again It’s kind of like Douglasville this is Going to be a little bit more of a rural Vibe a little bit less dense in a great Area if you’re on a more of a budget you Need to be close to the city but it Can’t afford to live in one of the Higher end areas I definitely think you Should take a look at Mableton not only Do you have an easy commute in town but You’ve got Smyrna just to the north of You so if you want to enjoy the battery If you want to enjoy a Braves game That’s going to be super close to you Without having to pay for Smyrna prices This is another neighborhood around

Atlanta where you can get in a move-in Ready home probably in the high 200s Which again those scenarios are rapidly Dwindling around the city so I think Mableton is an area that’s developing Rapidly home values in this area are Going to continue to go up this is also A good option if you’re interested in New construction I’ve seen some Communities in Mableton that have great Entry level price points but you’re Getting new construction close to the City so I think my viewers should be Aware of Mableton I’m a big fan of this Community and don’t think it gets enough Love as well all right number one on my List of Atlanta Hidden Gem neighborhoods Is Scottdale you’ve probably heard me Talk about this neighborhood before it’s Because I actually lived in this Neighborhood for a few years back in the Day before I bought my house where I Live now but uh Scottdale is awesome and Not a lot of people realize how great it Is this is going to be really close to Avondale Estates you are still Technically inside the perimeter right So you’re in the mix you’re close to Great neighborhoods you’re an easy drive To downtown easy drive to Piedmont Park Easy drive to the airport or wherever You have to go so you’re in the mix with You know city of Decatur Avondale Estates Oakhurst are very close by but

You’re not quite paying the prices that You would to live in those areas Avondale Estates is extremely expensive Scottdale not so much I know that when I Live there some of the things I loved About it were number one being close to The Dekalb Farmers Market and for those Of you who are unfamiliar the Dekalb Farmers Market is honestly one of the Best things about the city of Atlanta It’s pretty much a great amenity unto Itself that is a great thing to be close By to depending where you are in Scottdale you could walk to Downtown Decatur where I was in in Scottdale I Was actually able to to walk to Downtown Decatur a little bit of a longer walk But a super short drive you also have a Lot of great businesses popping up all Around here there’s a surprising number Of breweries close by there’s Wild Heaven and three taverns which aren’t Just breweries they’re some of the best Breweries in Atlanta and these are going To be like a two minute drive for you Also there’s Monday Night Brewing which Isn’t too far away as well and the cool Thing about Scottdale is you really Don’t feel like you’re in the city you Know you you are or in the city or in The mix but kind of feels like you’re Set apart and almost in some ways feels Like you’re in a suburb of the city I Love Scottdale I think if you’re wanting

To be on the east side if you love Hanging out in city of Decatur if you Love the farmer’s market if you like Oakhurst and Avondale Estates which are Really cool historic little towns but You’re on a little bit lower of a budget Check out Scottdale there’s a ton of Development in this area a lot of new Construction as well a lot of new Attached construction so if you’re Looking for something like that this Could be a great option for you as well But um not too many folks on YouTube or In magazines or online talk about Scottdale and I think it is an awesome Atlanta Hidden Gem all right so there You have it quick and easy my top five Atlanta hidden gems there are so many Wonderful places to live around the city Honestly I can make this a list of 25 Places that you probably haven’t heard Talked about so uh don’t get too caught Up in the same neighborhoods you hear Discussed over and over the city is Growing everywhere right and so it Really depends on what your needs are What your budget is and what your life Situation is but there can be a lot of Neighborhoods that you haven’t Considered that could work great for Your situation so as always thank you so Much for watching if there’s a certain Type of content you want to see me film Or talk about leave a comment below I

Love hearing your suggestions thank you For watching please subscribe if you Haven’t already it’s a huge help for me And uh thanks for watching I’ll see you Next time

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