Atlanta’s Best New Homes – Full Episode 2312 Air Date 03/25/23

Join us every Saturday Morning at 9:30 on WAGA FOX 5 Atlanta for tours of new home communities around the metro Atlanta area.

[Music] Thank you [Applause] [Music] Good morning and welcome to Atlanta's Best new homes I'm your host Greer Howard and each week we show you the Very best in new construction around the Metro Atlanta area and today we've got a Great show for you so stick with us Atlanta's best new homes brought to you By New American Funding you find your Home let us do the rest Foreign Cartersville at a neighborhood for Smith Douglas homes called the Styles and I am Here with Stacy Stacy it's great to see You and it's always fun to come to Smith Douglas neighborhoods and this one has Been very busy so what can you give us The update on the Styles yeah so we've Closed over just about 200 homes here We're moving into the second phase very Excited about that you'll find beautiful Sidewalks throughout the community Fun-filled pool area has been installed And yeah new model home very excited About that next phase yes and I love This model home and they came in I just Was in awe it's so beautiful and the Footprint is really a large footprint of A home yeah so the James is just over 3 000 square feet it's a three bedroom two And a half bath at its base but you can

Add a fourth bedroom or even a fifth Bedroom and a third or fourth bath now Stacy Smith Douglas homes is known for Their value so where do these homes Start yeah so the Styles Community Overall starts in the low 300 hundreds We have about eight floor plans Available in this community from single Story to two story with the James being The largest of those yeah it's so nice To have all of the different options as Far as floor plans and sizes there Really is something that fits everybody Now we're here in Cartersville and what Can you tell us about Cartersville it's Changed so much over the past few years It really has grown over the past couple Of years we are about 15 minutes on the West side of Cartersville about 15 Minutes from the downtown area where You'll find award-winning museums dining Options restaurants and then probably About 15 to 20 minutes from Allatoona Lake yeah well now this is going to be a Larger neighborhood and you're starting Like you said the second phase and a Great time to be a part of this Community so if people want to reach out Maybe tour this model home what's the Best way to get some more information Yeah we'd be delighted to see people Come and view the model home I think the Best start would be to go to check out the floor

Plans there you can get a list of the Hours the days and hours of the model Home and come visit well Stacy thanks so Much for being here with me today and You do not want to miss out on this Beautiful community in Cartersville the Styles by Smith Douglas homes where it's Your home your choice Within Reach Today we are here at Creekside at Farmers Crossing a brand new Neighborhood by Lennar in ball ground And I am here with Rachel and Diane it's Great to see you ladies and Rachel I'll Start with you what can you tell us About this neighborhood that's coming Soon we're so excited to have this piece Of property it was a family farm at one Point owned by the farmer family and we Are excited to build brand new Single-family homes so I was driving in And I'm in downtown ball ground and all Of a sudden just boom we're here so it's So close to the downtown yes it's Incredible there's lots of shops and Restaurants we're right here by Calvin Farmer Park so it's going to be an Incredible live work play area and Whether these single family homes going To be like so we're going to have three Different floor plans that we're going To offer and we'll range in from about 2100 to 2500 square feet And Diane what is the price point for These homes and I know it's coming soon

So people want to find out more what's The best way to do that right so our Price point right now is the mid-400s We're very excited and we feel like We're very competitive with what's Around here and it's just one of those Communities that has everything you need The best thing to do to join the Interest list is go to or 470-373-1617 well ladies thanks so much For being here with me today I can tell This is going to be a very special Neighborhood so I look forward to seeing It come together and to find out more go Ahead and join that interest list at Yeah We are back at Beverly Heights in Lithonia by Rockland homes and I am here With Asia and Asia it's so great to see You great to see you too it's been a Little while since we've been here I Know that you guys have been busy so Tell me a little bit what's about what's Been going on yes so we are building a Lot of Beverly Heights we have about Nine buildings released right now with About five more coming available we have Open availability for May starting May 9th we are doing amazing okay so I heard That you sold over 20 homes since January yes sales are going great they Are picking up weekly we've sold about 20 all of our close availability is now

Under contract and the availability for Even May is very slim so if you are Interested definitely come in and check Out our model home as well as our other Floor plans okay well that is so Exciting and you know I would love to Talk about the value of these homes so Tell me tell us about the price point But then also all of the things that are Include included with that incredible Price yes we are at an amazing price Point starting at about 289 thousand Dollars going to about 310 if you are on An in-home all of our homes come with Your revwood Mohawk Flooring on the main Level and on the stairs granite Countertops or quartz 42 inch Cabinetry You will have backsplash in your kitchen As well as a fenced in backyard and Electric fireplace for which you get in A Rockland Home it doesn't get any Better than this yeah it's really Incredible to have all of those all of Those features at such a great price and We're here in Lithonia tell us a little Bit about this area so in Lithonia you Are off of 20 East and 285 about 20 25 Minutes from downtown Atlanta you do Have the Dekalb Farmers Market not too Far from here and they're doing a lot of Great things in the area as well well Like you said homes are available to Tour and I'm sure people out there might Like to learn some more information so

What's the best way to do that the best Way to get more information is the visit Us online at Beverly Heights well Asia thanks so much for Being here with me today and don't wait These town homes are coming and going Fast so come and check out Beverly Heights right here in Lithonia by Rockland homes A home is more than square footage more Than a number of bathrooms and bedrooms Home is something bigger it's small talk At the end of the day it's cheering at Your kids games Gathering friends and family Or sanctuary in times of trouble It's a walk with your best friend or a Run through your neighborhood it's all a Part of home and making it yours is what We do at New American Funding Thank you It's a beautiful day here in Hapeville And we are here to get an update from Serenity Townhomes by Artisan built Communities and I am here with Karen and Karen I can tell the guys are busy at Work because last time we were here There was really not much yes and it was Freezing too however now as you see we Have brick going up on the two-car Garages and we also have our Windows of Course we have a roof and hopefully We'll have them completed around Mid-spring with it being a pocket

Community you'll be able to enjoy the Fire pits when you sit outside your Patio when you are out entertaining also You'll be able to walk to the local Chick-fil-A to the breweries also the Theater and did you know that Porsche is Right down the street too you can enjoy That Porsche experience Karen this Hateville community really has changed So much over the past few years and it's Worth coming to take a look if you Haven't been in a while so why don't you Tell us Karen where are these town homes Are are going to start when somebody Could potentially also maybe be in one Of these Town Homes actually they could Be in one around mid spring to end of Spring we have another slab that we're About to pour for the next set of town Homes as we speak and what's the price Point for these Town Homes the price Point is the mid fives to lower six okay Now I see you've got the trailer here so Are you here Sam you have to make an Appointment what's the best way to get In touch please make an appointment with Us by calling 678-515-9526 or go online to discover well Karen thanks so much For being here with me today I love Getting the update and you don't want to Miss out on these 25 Town Homes Serenity Townhomes in Hapeville by artisan-built Communities

Foreign Georgia and I am with Brian and Brian With pillow there are three segments to Your business there's the replacement Side the trade and Commercial side and Today we're really going to focus on the Trade and Commercial side so for Homeowners out there what do they need To know about that side of your business It is an important distinction as we Talked about our replacement business Before and coming in and replacement Helping the homeowner specifically with A replacement project with the trade and Really on that part in building a home There's a lot more details because you Got to make sure you work with every Element of the project and really what's Important there is us coming in with our Professional team all we do is Windows And Doors and so we understand it really Well and really teaming up with the Builder and the homeowner and an Architect if they're involved and really Helping them through that window part of The project windows and doors and taking Ownership of that category so really They can focus on all the other stuff With the project yeah and so for a Homeowner out there that maybe is Building a new home talk about you know The importance of the investment of your Windows And that's something really Greer is we

Look at investing that's been in the Home itself it's really easy to skip Over the windows and doors because it's Not always the most glamorous part about Our project but it is from a building Shell it's a critical part I like to Share with people a lot that you know You're building this beautiful home and You're really making sure you got a Secure exterior and then you're going to Go and you're going to cut holes in the Walls and put Windows and Doors in and What you put in there and how you put Them in is really critical and making Sure it's the right product how it Operates doesn't need to be venting or Should it be fixed you know all the Types of things that are code specific Too that we really just take ownership Of that and make sure that it's correct For our Builder and our home our Customers well Brian with a new hope a Contractor once the home is built is Moving on to another project but if you Decide to have Pella Windows as part of Your new home you guys aren't going Anywhere right no we're not and that's Really why the builders like us to work With Pella and our local business Because we really take ownership like I Said earlier and that homeowner knows That once that project is complete from A Pella perspective we're still here we Still have our service warranty that we

Handle locally we still have the product Warranty and we have all their Information in our system so all they Have to do is make a phone call give us That address or their name and if they Have the order number that stuff is all In our system we can quickly and easily Take care of that customer if there's Any issues yeah oh Brian thanks so much For being here with me today and Explaining that trade and Commercial Side of the business and if you want to Find out more you can come to their Showroom right here in Duluth or you can Go to their website at Pella of Did you know your favorite Saturday Morning new home television show is also On Instagram follow us for behind the Scenes footage and sneak peeks at some Of the new communities we're featuring Before they air [Music] It is time now for mortgage minutes Brought to you by new American funding And today I am here with Matt Matt it is Great to see you again how you doing Today awesome awesome well today we are Going to be talking about VA loans and Specifically there has been some changes In the funding fee so Matt I would love For you to just start out by talking About what is a funding fee so great Question so a funding fee is is Basically mortgage insurance on a VA

Loan the main difference is it's just a One-time fee that that veteran pays up Front and it's not caked into the Monthly payment so you just have a One-time fee it allows veterans to do as Little as no money down on a VA loan and Essentially protects the lender in the Event of any default on the loan so it It kind of serves two purposes allows The veteran to put little money down no Money down but also protects the lender And supports the VA home loan program so What are the changes that we need to Know about the veteran The exciting news and they don't change This often but they've reduced the Funding fee by about 15 basis points to 30 basis points depending on whether It's your first time use or your second Use so at the end of the day this is Going to result in savings for our Veterans couldn't come at a better time With today's market anytime we can push Out the good news about some savings That will take effect on this particular Program April 7th okay and so if there's Someone out there that maybe you know They know that they're eligible for a VA Loan but they've never actually done it I know that you're a huge fan of the VA Loan the VA loan is the best Loan in my Opinion there is out there and and it Serves a good purpose obviously helping Our veterans but if you've never talked

To somebody about a VA loan talk through Payments or that sort of thing big Advantage on a VA loan is there's no Monthly mortgage insurance premiums just That one-time upfront fee that gets Financed into the loan so Um really really aggressive on rates Right now when compared to other loan Programs our VA stuff is super Competitive so I would urge you to give Us a call I can be reached directly at 770-856-5338 or you can visit us at you find your Home let us do the rest [Music] Today we are here at Horizon at Laurel Canyon by Patrick Malloy and I am here With Camille and Camille let's just Start with Laurel Canyon it's such a Beautiful area tell us a little bit About it Laurel Canyon is so close to Downtown Canton with all the nice Restaurants and shopping you know just Right down 575 to the outlet malls and The different shopping centers Um but the most important thing about Laurel Canyon are the views the killer Views that are here that's what people Love and not only that but these homes Are stunning we're we're here today and Your model and it is just gorgeous can You kind of talk us through the homes Yes I'm so excited to be in this model This one is about 28 2900 square feet if

You notice it has the 12-foot ceilings Our cabinets are beautiful our Countertops are beautiful we have the Double ovens the microwave drawer the Stainless steel then a good beautiful Fireplace that we have over here they're Gas flogs with the gas fire starter and They have the glass door beautiful Cove Molding we have the eight inch Cove Molding that's standard the Deep base Molding eight foot doors even when You're in or a smaller plans say that's 2600 square feet feel so much bigger What can you tell us about your Available Lots we have 18 or 20 I say 18 Or 20 because I'm working on two Contracts right now so in a couple of Days I may have 18 but as of today I Have 20 but more importantly for people That are ready to move now I have three Homes on basements that will be ready to Move into in the next four or five weeks I have one home on a slab that is Move-in ready now for contact Information to reach us you can go to Our website PM the landline number here 770-254-5357 And I would like to add that one of the Main reasons that I have loved working In Horizon for a few years now is Because Patrick Malloy is a person he's A person that can walk through the door At any point now it's just nice working

With an individual and not just a big Corporation well Camille thanks so much For being here with me today and if you Are looking for a community with Stunning views then make sure to check Out Horizon at Laurel Canyon Did you miss something from today's show Well don't worry you can head on over to Our YouTube channel where you can find The communities you saw today and many More around the Metro Atlanta area and While you're there go ahead and click That subscribe button so you don't miss A thing [Music] Today we are here at towns of Auburn by Rockland homes and I am here with the Vice president of sales and marketing TR How are you doing today we're doing Fabulous today well it is so good to see You and I know that this neighborhood Has sold really really well and you Better hurry because there's only a few Homes left right so yeah we've averaged Over 150 sales a year for the past two Years in a row we're down to about 35 Houses so we're excited to almost be Finished with the project wow that is Incredible now one of the things that is Really unique and special about this Neighborhood is the amenities so what Can you tell us about those so the Amenities we have a pool we have two Pickleball courts two tennis courts what

I love is this is the first project I've Been involved with where we've had Pickleball courts it was invented in 1965 so I wanted to throw that out there For everybody but yeah we're loving it And as you tell we have people in the Background playing well TR I feel like One of the reasons this neighborhood has Been successful is you've been able to Keep the price point really affordable But there are some other reasons too Right so we have a great location uh Here in Auburn great pricing low to mid 300s Great Value and especially when People come out they see that perceived Great Value so come on out and check us Out we've got about 35 left to sell okay So only 35 left to sell that is going to Be the final opportunity to be part of Towns of Auburn so TR if someone wants To find out more about the remaining Homes what's the best way to do that Best way is to check us out online at all right well TR Thanks so much for being with me today And the best thing is to come out and See for yourself why this community has Been so successful come and check out Towns of Auburn by Rockland homes Thank you Today I am here with Sam from Chapin Communities and we are here at Enclave At Logan point and it is a beautiful day Here in Loganville and Sam I love coming

To see you because there's always Something new going on and today Um the pool looks like it's ready yes so The weather is changing here in Georgia And we have completed construction of Our community pool in the perfect time And this is such a great community so What do people need to know about Logan Point if they aren't familiar yes so Enclave at Logan point we are located in Loganville in Walton County in close Proximity to highway 78 and 81 and Minutes from downtown Loganville there Are a number of parks within walking Distance as well as hiking trails and Some great recreational facilities Enclave at Logan point is such a great Neighborhood and you better hurry if you Want to be part of it because there's Only a few homes left right yes so we Currently have six homes remaining in Our inventory all clear to close within 30 days these vary from homes on a Basement and they're all going to be Four bedrooms okay so someone out there Wants to learn more about these homes What should they do you can first visit Our website at or You can reach out to me personally at 205-451-2420 to learn more about our Amazing incentives we're currently Offering okay well Sam thanks so much For being here with me today I know your Residents are going to be so excited

About this pool Amazing and don't wait because it is the Final opportunity to be a part of Enclave at Logan point in Loganville Foreign [Music] Has a brand new townhome community that Is coming soon Broadstone at Peachtree Corners and today I am here with Johanna So Johanna let's start with the location Where is this neighborhood located well Broadstone is located in the heart of Peachtree Corners right on Peachtree Parkway minutes from both I-85 and 285 With a short commute to Atlanta and Midtown enjoy the convenience of both Town center and the Forum at Peachtree Corners the town green at Peachtree Corners is over two acres with an event Lawn equipped with soundstage for Concerts a 22-foot digital display for Movies and other community events as Well as the children's play area well Peachtree Corners really has changed so Much over the past few years so I want To know a little bit about this Community and the town home so where are These Townhomes going to start as far as Price point and so Broadstone is Starting to sell now in the low 500s the Community is a small Enclave of 26 Townhome homes we offer two designs both Are over 2 000 square feet the four Bedroom plan has three bedrooms on the

Third floor this includes an owner suite And two secondary bedrooms and a full Bath all the homes in the community will Have a full guest Suite with walk-in Shower on the Terrace level optional Amenities for Broadstone at Peachtree Corners includes a pool Cabana Grill Station Fitness game lounge and dog wash Lennar's everything's included features At Broadstone boasts an open kitchen Design 42-inch cabinets with quartz Counters large island and extra counter Space a Butler's Pantry for extra Storage and a five burner gas slide-in Range the owner's Suite bathroom has Quartz counters showers have tiles Around with a bench with Johanna we know That this neighborhood is coming soon But homes are available to purchase Right now so if someone wants more Information or to get the latest most Up-to-date information what's the best Way to do that best way is to call 470-373-1617 or visit for More information well Johanna thanks so Much for being here with me today and You do not want to miss out on these Great Town Homes Broadstone at Peachtree Corners by Lennar Foreign At the Georgian by Artisan built Communities and this is a lovely 55 Active adult community and I am here With Mickey hi and Mickey it's always so

Wonderful to see you and I know that Today we have a certain home in Particular that you wanted to talk to us About we do we have the Brazelton lot 49 It is the same floor plan is this home That we're standing in right now it is a Very welcoming floor plan and it is a Two-bedroom two-bath home with the open Concept kitchen and we are running a Special on that home this home has a Full daylight basement and this basement When you go downstairs has the Possibilities that are endless you could Do anything you want this is a chance to Buy this home at this price okay so what Is this price you have to be wondering The price is 499 878 dollars and that is unheard of with A basement that size on this beautiful Brazelton plant well that really does Sound like Kuwait a deal Mickey so and Then the other thing that's so wonderful About living here is the lifestyle so What can you tell us about the lifestyle Here well the lifestyle if you want to Feel like you're on vacation and relaxed All the time Heritage point at the Georgian is a place to live because we Are part of the Georgian but we're also Built around the Frog golf course and The Frog golf course in itself brings Golf We're getting ready to start our

Clubhouse our pool our amenities the Gate will be operable pretty soon and we Have six lots that they're grading over Here to the right of me and we have Three inventory homes that are ready for Moving well Mickey I have a feeling that Lot 49 is not going to last long so Someone wants to find out more or maybe Come and take a tour what's the best way To do that well the best way to do that Is to give me a call at 678-515-9526 come out and see me we are Open literally seven days a week and I Would love to tour you in the model home And at lot 49. well Mickey thanks so Much for being here with me today it's Always wonderful to see you and if you Are looking for an active adult Community that you are going to love the Lifestyle come and check out Heritage Point at the Georgian Foreign Has communities all around the Metro Atlanta area and today we are here at Longbrook in Rome Georgia and I am here With Jamel and Jamel it is so exciting To be here tell us a little bit about Your story with Smith Douglas yes I've Been with Smith Douglas right of the Year I've been in Industry six years so I'm very excited all right well one year Happy anniversary I hear and spend one Year with Smith Douglas homes and today We're so excited to be here at long

Brook it's a community that we've been Waiting for and we're actually standing In your brand new model it is gorgeous Yes so excited to build our new Pearson Model it's going to feature three Bedrooms two baths 1700 square feet as You can see open concept kitchen as well As open family room and it features a Private Suite as well and what can tell Us about the neighborhood of long Brook What is it going to be like the Neighborhood is amazing it's going to Have over 163 home sites Scenic views Cul-de-sec lots and it's also going to Be able to fit our ranks plans as well As two-story and we're here in Rome Georgia so what do we need to know about The area we're located just south of Downtown Rome about 15 minutes right Around the corner from Highlands college And easily accessible to pretty much Anywhere you want to go and Rome okay Well I have a feeling that a lot of People are going to want to come and Check out these homes I hear it's going Really well so far you guys have really Been selling a lot of homes right yes I've been here about two weeks we've Already sold over seven homes before our Grand opening this weekend so if you'd Like to come out please do we're open Seven days a week you could come take a Tour or see our other available homes in The community you can also give me a

Call at 404-437-2077 or visit us on our website At and we look forward to Working with you to find a perfect home Well Jamel thanks so much for being here With with me today and you'll want to Come and check out this exciting new Neighborhood in Rome Georgia long Brook With Smith Douglas homes it is your home Your choice Within Reach did you know Your favorite Saturday morning new home Television show is also on Instagram Follow us for behind the scenes footage And sneak peeks at some of the new Communities we're featuring before they Air Miss I'm Brian with Pella winendor of Georgia I want to take some time today to share With you a little bit about how we can Help you with your local project you may Be interested to know that Pella is the Number one rated brand among homeowners For Innovation that's important here With our Georgia Heat because we offer Windows and Doors that can help improve Your Energy Efficiency by up to 79 so if You'd like to learn more about that come Visit one of our local showrooms check Us out on our website or just give us a Call and we can set up an appointment [Music] More than square footage More than a number of number of Thrones

And bedrooms Rooms home is something bigger it's Small talk at the end of the day it's Cheering at your kids games Gathering friends and family Or sanctuary in times of trouble It's a walk with your best friend or a Run through your neighborhood it's all a Part of home and making it yours is what We do at New American Funding Atlanta's best new homes brought to you By New American Funding you find your Home let us do the rest [Music] Well that's gonna do it for this episode Of Atlanta's best new homes thanks so Much for spending your Saturday morning With us if you missed anything from Today's show you can always go to our Website and in the meantime follow us on Social media on Instagram and Facebook And click that subscribe button to our YouTube channel hope you have a great Week and we will see you back next Saturday right here for another episode Of Atlanta's best new homes Thank you [Music]

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