Expert Advice: 6 Essential Home Selling Tips for 2023

If you’re planning to sell your home in 2023, it’s essential to make sure you’re giving yourself the best chance of success. From pricing your home correctly to staging it effectively, there are several strategies you can use to make your home stand out in the competitive real estate market. In this blog post, we provide expert advice on six essential home selling tips that can help you sell your property quickly and for the price you deserve. So, keep reading and learn how to make your home selling journey a successful one.

This ain’t your grandpa’s real estate Market the process for selling a home And getting top dollar Have changed so much with 30 years of Selling homes in tallahassee i have seen It all Starting from the pre-internet days when Market time was a factor Due to field development and publication Schedule dates Through a pandemic and low interest rate Sellers market Where multiple offers are the norm the Fact is You just don’t sell a home today as you Did even five years ago If you plan on selling a home now or in The next few months take advantage of my Experience and use these six top Tips for selling a home in 2021 Hi i’m joe manassa author of the Business of giving business And the creator of where I’ve helped tens of thousands of people Buy and sell homes i would like to help You too if you already are a subscriber Thank you and welcome back If you’re not a subscriber please Consider becoming one now We offer the most thorough and accurate Housing market reports on youtube Plus answers to your real estate Frequently asked questions And we also provide virtual tours of

Some of the most beautiful homes in Tallahassee Simply hit subscribe to get started and The bell so that you’re the most Informed buyer Or seller in your next real estate Transaction in case you never have sold A home A listing agent is one you hire to Market and sell your home As opposed to the buyer’s agent that you Likely use to buy it Most sellers that i work with have two Primary goals Number one sell their home within a Predictable time Frame and number two sell their home for The most money possible Specifically the most net proceeds from The sale In this inventory starved market it is More critical than ever to get your home Sold within a planned period of time so That you can transition properly To your new home often the sale of the Former is a requirement for closing on The ladder And losing your dream home because your Former home failed to sell could cause You both heartache And financial loss despite the seller’s Market conditions Home sellers today are leaving money on The table because they’re using

Outdated methods for marketing their Homes it’s not difficult to sell a home In 2021 But being able to attain top dollar Requires modern processes that i will Reveal in the tips in this video The tips that i am sharing are Predicated on achieving those two goals These six tips are critical must-do Steps for all 2021 home sellers wishing To sell their homes for top dollar While doing so on a predictable timeline Tip number one Learn the process you do not need to be An expert at selling homes But if you want to generate top dollar For your home you have to hire the right Listing agent this won’t happen if you Don’t understand the critical questions That you need to ask in an interview What makes this step so important is the Fact that whether you get it right or Not You will sell your home the market is That good and finding a buyer is not Hard But to get top dollar you need a listing Agent that will deliver Multiple buyers and a bidding war to Your property So if you choose wrong your home will Sell to somebody that the agent knows Without getting the full exposure to the Entire buyer pool

But if you choose correctly you will Find many buyers in your home and offers Streaming In do your homework read blogs and Articles that were written by real Estate experts and get a feel for what It takes to sell a home in the digital Age Versus how things were done in the past You need so much more than just a real Estate Salesperson you need to hire the agent That dominates digital marketing In your area tip number two read real Estate agent reviews This one is easy what is the one website On the internet that spends All of its resources trying to deliver Answers to your questions So that you’ll always use that website Yes google of course Go to google and read reviews of real Estate agents that you are considering For an interview If you want the best results look for The agent that has the happiest past Customers It really is that simple you should know That there are hundreds of websites that Have reviews for real estate agents But many of them are corrupt you can buy Reviews on most sites But not on google that’s why i trust Google whenever

I’m shopping because i know they police The bogus reviews in real estate So they probably do so with other Consumer items too I’m always amazed that people skip this Step when selling a home for several Hundred thousand dollars Or even higher yet if they’re buying a Five hundred dollar tv They’ll read dozens of reviews before Deciding the difference in the bottom Line from hiring an agent you like to The agent most recommended by past Clients could be tens of thousands of Dollars So do your research it’s important tip Number three Create a checklist if you read enough About the process of selling a home Then you should be able to establish a List of things that you’re looking to Find when you interview real estate Agents for the job of selling your home For example high on the checklist should Be our tip number four that follows this One for solid pre-marketing What else do you demand from the agent You hire to market and sell your home At a minimum you will want them to show You their marketing budget And the strength of their social media Marketing while this may sound a bit Complex to you right Now it won’t once you have done tip

Number one and learn the process for Selling a home in the digital age Tip number four go for the best Pre-marketing agent If i had to reduce this list of six tips To just one This is the tip that i would retain Again this refers back to understanding How homes are sold for top dollar today But i’ll summarize the concept of Pre-marketing here so that you Understand Just how critical a strong pre-marketing Campaign is for you to get top dollar For your home Remember this is not about getting your Home sold an agent with a weak marketing Plan can get your home sold But top dollar comes from making two Important things work When selling your home first a large Pool of buyers must know about your home And second they must be corralled and Controlled so that nobody gets a chance To buy your home Earlier than the others pre-marketing Also serves to support your goal of Selling the home Within a predictable time frame if you Have a massive pre-marketing effort The home will likely sell immediately And you’ll be able to choose a strong Buyer from the group of offers that you Receive

This is an important part of controlling The time frame because you want the Buyer you choose to understand that There are others Who will buy the home if they end up Trying to renegotiate the sale After they do their inspections an agent Who does effective pre-marketing Is head and shoulders above the rest of The agents if you rely on a typical Agent’s marketing Then they list your home in the mls and It gets syndicated to hundreds of Websites Effectively trickling the information to Buyers over a prolonged period of time The buyers stalking your neighborhood Will jump on it before other buyers know About your home And your home will sell right away but Wouldn’t it be better if the stalker had Competition Make the stalker bid against other Buyers that is what pre-marketing a home Will do In fact at joe manasseh real estate we Spend more money pre-marketing a home Than 99 of the agents spend marketing a Home during the entire listing period Why it’s because we understand that if We can treat a home Like how apple treats a product launch Then we will have many buyers Looking at the home the moment it goes

Live and competing against each other For the chance to buy it A strong pre-marketing plan is required To ensure that your bottom line ends up As high as possible If your agent is weak here and most are It will cost you And you’ll likely never even know it tip Number five Interview multiple listing agents Perhaps the least fun part of the Process Is interviewing agents because they do This for a living and this is something You will not do often But it is important most home sellers Only interview one agent and most Sellers are so ignorant of the process Of selling a home today That they just hire the first agent they Like and who tells them what they want To hear In the past under different market Conditions this often meant that their Home would go Unsold or would be sold at a deep Discount To what it should have fetched today in This strong seller’s market It usually just means that the seller Leaves thousands or even tens of Thousands of dollars On the table make the effort to Interview listing agents using the

Checklist you developed in tip number Three To ensure that you hire the best agent For the job pre-screen your applicants With the google reviews mentioned in tip Number two If an agent doesn’t have a few hundred Happy customers why are they good enough For you Do you want good enough or do you want The agent most likely to deliver The most money to you and your family Interview enough agents until you find The one that fits your checklist goals Tip number six make them prove it as Stated in the previous tip Top listing agents interview with Different home sellers on a regular Basis While this is something you might not do Again for another 20 years My parents owned just two homes from 1966 Through 2020. so i understand how Infrequent this type of process can be For homeowners Don’t let it be deemed fact when an Agent makes a bold claim Make the agent prove it for example the Size of an agent’s Contact list is just one factor in Determining how effective they are Online Can they show you the list of people

Whom they will pre-market your home Is this list hundreds of people Thousands tens of thousands More make them prove it and this becomes One real point of comparison between Agents Get them to show you their facebook page Believe it or not this is highly Critical in your pre-marketing efforts This is the word of mouth marketing Channel that will help ensure That a large buyer pool knows about your Home before it goes on the market Count the number of posts on their Facebook page in the past week If they haven’t posted in the last week Don’t hire them you want somebody who Dominates the real estate conversation On facebook You want pre-market exposure that won’t Happen without providing a lot of Consistent information on their facebook Page Ideally you want a company posting more Than twice daily Or more as they say the proof is in the Pudding If you’ve checked them out on google Proving that their past customers were Happy and you have proved that they have A large buyer database And you have proved that they have a Sound pre-marketing Campaign built around their database and

Social media marketing That includes facebook then you likely Have found your listing agent There are no guarantees in life that is Why you want to do your best to prove to Yourself that you have selected the best Agent for the job of marketing your home For sale Follow these six tips and you’ll likely Get the most money possible from the Sale of your home While also getting it sold in a Predictable time frame If you would like to see more videos About our top tips for home sellers i Have assembled a great playlist that you Can view by clicking on the box On the top left corner of your screen For a playlist of top tips for home Buyers Just click on the box below please Remember to like this video and Subscribe to our channel So that you never miss anything

Expert Advice: 6 Essential Home Selling Tips for 2023


Selling a home is one of the most significant financial investments one can make. When selling a home, the process can be frustrating, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. It becomes even more challenging if you don’t know how to go about it. However, with the right guidance, you can overcome these challenges and sell your home with ease. In the following sections, we’ll share six essential home selling tips that can help you achieve a successful sale.

1. Set the Right Price

Setting the right price is one of the most critical aspects of selling your home. It’s imperative to have an accurate valuation of your home, which is neither too low nor too high. Research comparable home sales in your area to determine the right price to set for your home.

Additionally, you can hire a professional appraisal service to get an accurate estimate of your property. Once you have the right price, market your home aggressively across multiple channels for maximum exposure.

2. Clean and Declutter Your Home

Visual appeal plays an enormous role in the home selling process. Before listing your home, it’s essential to eliminate all clutter, clean thoroughly, and organize your space. A well-organized home appears more spacious, and potential buyers can see themselves living there more easily.

Create a checklist of everything you need to do, such as deep cleaning carpets, scrubbing floors, fixing leaking taps, painting, and decluttering. Once completed, your home will appear more open, airy, and welcoming to potential buyers.

3. Use Professional Photos and Videos

In today’s digital age, buyers look at photos and videos of homes online before visiting them in person. Therefore, it’s essential to have professional images of your home.

Using a professional photographer is a worthwhile investment in the home selling process. They have a better understanding of the lighting, angles, and composition to make your home look desirable.

4. Optimize Your Home’s Web Presence

Your home’s web presence is just as crucial as its physical presence in the home selling process. Your home’s website should have quality content, high-quality images, and well-written descriptions to entice prospective buyers.

Additionally, your home should be listed on reputable websites for maximum visibility, such as Zillow, Redfin, Trulia, and Having a strong online presence increases the chances of selling your home quickly.

5. Hire a Real Estate Agent

While it’s possible to sell your home through word of mouth or online listings, hiring a professional real estate agent is vital. They have the knowledge, skills, and experience to help navigate the home selling process.

Real estate agents will assist you in setting the right price, staging your home, creating a marketing plan, and negotiating with potential buyers. They also have connections in the industry and know how to promote your home to the right audience.

6. Consider Offering Incentives

Offering incentives to potential buyers can increase your chances of selling your home quickly. You may consider offering a home warranty, paying for the closing costs, or offering a discount for prompt closing.

Incentives show potential buyers that you’re willing to work with them to make the home buying process smoother. By offering incentives, you’ll attract more serious buyers that are ready to make an offer.


Selling your home can be a nerve-wracking process, but with the right guidance, you can do it successfully. Consider employing one or more of these six essential home selling tips to help you sell your home quickly and gain the best return on investment.


  1. What’s the Best Time to Sell a Home?

The spring and summer months are the best times to sell a home as the weather is favorable. With longer daylight hours, potential buyers have more time to view your home. The fall is also an excellent time to sell as buyers are looking to get done with the home buying process before the end of the year.

  1. Can I Sell My Home Without a Realtor?

Yes. It’s possible to sell your home without a realtor, but it’s challenging. Real estate transactions can be complicated, and a realtor can help you negotiate the sale, handle legal issues and deal with the paperwork.

  1. How Long Does It Take to Sell a House?

The time it takes to sell a home depends on several factors such as the current market, location, condition, and demand. On average, it takes between 30-45 days to sell a home.

  1. How Can I Make My Home Stand Out?

You can make your home stand out by decluttering, deep cleaning, and staging it. Updating your home’s exterior, painting the walls and cleaning the carpets can also improve its visual appeal.

  1. How Do I Determine the Value of My Home?

You can hire a professional appraisal service or real estate agent to determine your home’s value. Alternatively, research comparable home sales in your neighborhood to get an estimate of your property’s value.

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