First Steps – Smith Douglas Homes 2316

Foreign To be here with Claire from Smith Douglas homes it's been a while since I've seen you so it's awesome to be back And today we're going to be really Talking about visiting a model home now For us we go to model homes all of the Time so we're really comfortable coming In and out of Model Homes but for Someone out there that's never been to One it can be intimidating it really can Be intimidating and our new home Specialists are skilled in meeting home Buyers where they are in their home Buying Journey now Claire I'm sure There's a lot of people out there that Would love to come tour a model home or Maybe they're just starting their home Buying experience for the first time so What can someone expect before they come To see a model well to make somebody Feel a little more comfortable they can Begin their home buying Journey online We have some fabulous interactive tools That show available homes even site Availability then you can take that First step and visit our model home and Welcome center and we believe you'll Find this visit to be easy and probably Different from what you're already Thinking our welcome centers are located At the front of the community we've Usually ample parking so you know that You'll be in the right space so for

Someone that has gone through the model And realizes okay I really like this House the next kind of a question is Often the finances and and hey can I Afford this home and so how does Smith Douglas help with that you know some People like to come and tour our model Home having already spoken with our Preferred lenders they already know how Much they have to spend on a home and They have that price point in mind Whereas we have a lot of home buyers That haven't connected with a preferred Lender and there really is no right or Wrong way about going about this for Those who feel comfortable they can Connect with our preferred lenders or we Can connect them directly while they're Here in our model home well Claire Hopefully we've inspired some people to Get out there and tour some beautiful Model homes from Smith Douglas so if They're interested in doing that what is The easiest and best way visit our web Site our model homes are open daily and The hours are posted on that website and I can also help in making that Connection with the new home specialist Well Claire thanks so much for being Here with me today and don't wait any Longer go tour some beautiful models With Smith Douglas homes it is your home Your choice Within Reach

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