HomeAid 2022 Presentation Video

On Any Given night in metro Atlanta in a Nine County area that we cover around 5500 people are experiencing Homelessness Hi I'm Mandy crater the executive Director of homemade Atlanta we have Been working on our mission here in Atlanta since 2001 which is to build new Lives for people experiencing or at risk Of homelessness through construction Community engagement and education we do That by partnering with our friends in The building industry and existing Nonprofits that provide housing and Supportive services to people in need we Have completed 177 construction Remodel And Care Day projects adding over 700 Beds and impacting the lives of nearly 20 000 of our Metro Atlanta Neighbors in Need for Community engagement we have Three different initiatives that we do Annually our Essentials drive we every Year around Mother's Day collect diapers And wipes and we've collected over 2 Million diapers and wipes in the time That started that drive the other thing That we do is we create care kits and Care kits provided much needed hygiene Items for people literally on the Streets and over the years we've created Over 14 000 of those and one of our final Community engagement items is stuck the House where we work with our interior

Design partners and just other builders That have extra furnishings and decor Items to make all of the facilities that We've built a little more like home and In that case we've collected over two Hundred thousand dollars worth of Furnishings and Decor the final part of Our mission is education and one of the Things that we try to do is let folks Know who of their neighbors is really in Need about 40 percent of people Experiencing homelessness in the Metro Atlanta area are women and children and About 12 percent of people experiencing Homelessness are veterans what we are Trying trying to do is to build a future Without homelessness and we do that with Your help I love supporting homemade Because I think that every day it's very Easy to take for granted how blessed we Are to just have a place to call home Whether it's your own place or a place That you're renting but it's really Really nice to be able to help people in Need I firmly believe in homemade Because of the Outreach programs being Able to leverage Builders construction Companies and suppliers to help those That are less fortunate as a member of The Home Building Community it's great To have the opportunity to give back Through this wonderful non-profit Organization You leave a legacy

And greatness in the service that you Provide and the selflessness you give to Others Homemade is doing just That to learn more about homemade Atlanta please visit us at our website Homemadeatlanta.org you can get involved And build projects and Community Engagement activities and donate to help Us build a future without homelessness

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