Horizon at Laurel Canyon – Patrick Malloy Communities 2309

Horizon at Laurel Canyon – Patrick Malloy Communities
(770) 254-5357 www.PMCommunities.com

Whether it’s sitting on your sky terrace gazing at the star-filled sky or playing a round of golf, your life will be complete because you have planned for this day.

Patrick Malloy designed Horizon at Laurel Canyon with the active adult in mind. While not age-restricted, the community offers all of the amenities that one dreams of. Laurel Canyon in Canton, Georgia is a lifestyle within itself. Nestled at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, it offers golf, a clubhouse, pool, tennis and more. Spend the day meandering in the shops of downtown Canton or take a drive north to Ellijay, Jasper or Blue Ridge. Whichever you decide, you will be experiencing the good life in a Patrick Malloy home.

Foreign Canyon by Patrick Malloy and I am here With Camille and Camille let's just Start with Laurel Canyon it's such a Beautiful area tell us a little bit About it Laurel Canyon is so close to Downtown Canton with all the nice Restaurants and shopping you know just Right down 575 to the outlet malls and The different shopping centers but the Most important thing about Laurel Canyon Are the views the killer views that are Here that's what people love and not Only that but these homes are stunning We're we're here today in your model and It is just gorgeous can you kind of talk Us through the homes yes I'm so excited To be in this model This one is about 28 2900 square feet if You notice it has the 12-foot ceilings Our cabinets are beautiful Our countertops are beautiful we have The double ovens the microwave drawer The stainless steel Vena Hood beautiful Fireplace that we have over here they're Gas flogs with the gas fire starter and They have the glass door beautiful Cove Mold and we have the eight inch Cove Molding that standard the Deep base mold And eight foot doors even when you're in Or smaller plan say that's 2600 square Feet feel so much bigger what can you Tell us about your available Lots we Have 18 or 20 I say 18 or 20 because I'm

Working on two contracts right now so in A couple of days I may have 18 but as of Today I have 20 but more importantly for People that are ready to move now I have Three homes on basements that will be Ready to move into in the next four or Five weeks I have one home on a slab That is move-in ready now for contact Information to reach us you can go to Our website PM Communities.com the landline number here Here 770-254-5357 And I would like to add that one of the Main reasons that I have loved working In Horizon for a few years now is Because Patrick Malloy is a person he's A person that could walk through the Door at any point now it's just nice Working with an individual and not just A big Corporation well Camille thanks so Much for being here with me today and if You are looking for a community with Stunning views then make sure to check Out Horizon at Laurel Canyon

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