NatureWalk at Seven Hills – Artisan Built Communities 2316

Foreign [Music] Ature walk at Seven Hills by Artisan-built communities and I am here With Trevor and Trevor it's awesome to See you and you've brought a friend here With us today we're also here with Corey Who is a builder for artists and belt Communities and so today I want to talk Through the Artisan experience and I Know the communication is really really Big for you guys so what can you tell us About the artist and experience and Maybe how it's different from some other Builders yeah well um so with right now We are focusing on our active adult Homes and with all of our home buyers People like to know what's going on Throughout the process and one point of Contact me is good but when you have a Builder involved that's actually Building the home and can tell the Buyers 100 what's happening what's Coming next and then answer questions That might Enlighten buyers as to why Things happen the way they happen and How houses are constructed it really Makes the process much smoother and Happier for everybody yeah so the the Home buyer starts their process with Trevor and then they're going to be Introduced to Corey so Corey what is That going to look like how does that Communication work from the home buyer

With you it works out really good Because I can set an expectation with Them I can let them know what's coming Up and what we've completed we can also Start setting dates for the end of the Build as well we also get to talk to Them about selections make sure we're All on the same page do different things Like that it also gives more Communication it's not just one person Trevor it's both of us and from the Builder's side being able to go ahead And talk to the homeowner on a regular Basis that has to be good for you too it Is so I can actually explain to them When things are being ordered at what Stage we're at so it really gives them a Clear and precise picture of what's Going on with their home build yeah it's A perfect example of communication is Key now Trevor you mentioned that right Now you're really focused on the Strapper which is your active adult Section so tell us a little bit about What's available so I have available Inventory right now at brazel attendance Priced in the mid to high 400s and I Also have 16 available home sites that Are slabs that we can build from 400 and Up and then I have three basement home Sites as well well trevorakori thanks so Much for being here with me today and Experience The Artisan experience for Yourself right here at nature walk at

Seven Hills by artists and built Communities

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