New American Funding Atlanta – Approved Lenders with Sam Bass 2316

Foreign It is time now for a mortgage minutes Brought to you by new American funding And today I am thrilled to be here with Sam Bass from rockhaven homes and Sam Today we're kind of flipping the script A little bit here and we're going to Talk about approved lenders from the Builder side so you work with rockhaven Homes and you have the choice of Choosing approved lenders so let's start With what is an approved lender Well Greer thanks good to be here but an Approved lender is really a group of Lenders local lenders here in the market That we have decided to partner with and To provide really the biggest service to Our Prospect is you know ideas for how They can get into a home and how they Can qualify to purchase one of our own Right and there's so many benefits that Come with an approved lender so can you Talk us through some of those absolutely You know some of the biggest benefits I Can think of number one are the Competitive nature that each one of our Lenders brings to the table the loan Products they have one of the benefits Of the program is having diversity and Variety in the program so that it will Meet a lot of different options that are Out there with our buyers I mean some There are some people may own a home Already a lot of our buyers don't they

May be renting and so there's different Loan products that work for them that's Available and then I believe you know Just the sheer communication with our Preferred lenders the knowledge and the Consistently communicating with them When we're your basis yeah I think Another benefit is there's often so many Incentives that homeowners will receive From an approved lender that they may Not receive from A lender that they find On their own right and you know here Today we're here at New American Funding And you obviously have a choice in who You want those approved lenders to be so Through the years why have you continued To choose New American Funding as one of Your approved lenders well new American Has been a great lending partner for us I mean we've worked together over the Years prior to me getting here they were Already here but I think it's been a Testament to the company the Relationship with our company the Partnership and in doing what I said Earlier about meeting and matching what Our customers are looking for with a Product Certainly allowing us to work together And giving incentives to our purchasers For using new American but also it comes Down to the quality of the loan officers They work with and that quality I think We got top shelf Loan offers here and

The communication with them to get into The home but also with the Builder and Throughout the process well Sam thanks So much for being here with me today and To find out more about rockhaven homes You can go to and to Find out more about New American Funding You can call 770-856-5338 or go to their website

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