New American Funding Atlanta – Homeowner Lawanda Testimonial 2311

New American Funding – Atlanta provides informed advice and mortgage lending services to homeowners and future homeowners. Atlanta mortgage lenders takes their lead from our founders and owners Rick and Patty Arvielo who are passionate about helping homebuyers in the Atlanta community and across the country realize their dream of home ownership.

[Music] Hi I am Kel pastich with new American Funding and today we are at one of our Home buyers home she has invited us to Come inside our home and talk about her Home buying experience with us come on Let's go meet her We're in the beautiful home of Lawanda And Lawanda is a past client of ours and I'll just let her introduce herself Yes I am Lawanda as mentioned and I Recently closed on my new home in December of last year I am a real estate Broker here in the Atlanta area so the New home buying process is not new for Me you're very familiar with it but also Probably know what to expect inspect a Little bit more from who you're working With yes yes absolutely I was thinking During the process oh my goodness I hope I don't drive them crazy because of you Know my expectations but I was not let Down at all now being in the industry And being a broker yourself you probably Are expecting communication Top Notch Right like continuously proactive Communication absolutely yes new American funding they fit the bill with That I did not feel like I had to chase Them for any information they were very Proactive when I did reach out whether It was a phone call or text message they Were very responsive they even reached Out to me just to find out if I had any

Questions and if they if I did they Responded quickly so I was not left Hanging did you know that they were Local so So team from the person who said it's Theater they're all Better because I didn't have to worry About differing time zones and my Business and my texting calling too Early it was just such a smooth process Great we'd love to hear that now you've Been in home for about one or two months Now so you've probably made that big Payment I did I did and we are a direct Lender so a direct lender is someone who Did we don't sell our loans we service The majority of our loans and to us That's a big deal it's a big confidence To trust absolutely absolutely when you Close you know who you're gonna make Your payment to yes so you've built this Relationship with the lender from the Beginning of the process and typically You now have to find out who to pay well In this process with new American Funding I was able to pay who I had Trusted who I had built a relationship With and I didn't have to do any Guesswork and then with making the first Payment in the portal because there's so Many different options to pay it was so Easy I could pay by check by bank Account by card seamless just very easy Well we're very excited that you are in

Your beautiful home my aunt for choosing Us so thank you so much for anybody That's out there looking to purchase a Home please reach out to us at 678-919-8016 or visit us at

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