New American Funding Atlanta – VA Loans 2308

New American Funding Atlanta – VA Loans

VA loans are one of the most popular choices among eligible first-time home buyers because of the exceptional benefits they offer military borrowers, including lower rates than most traditional banks.

A VA loan is a mortgage guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. VA loans are designed to help active duty military and veterans qualify for homeownership. They offer lower interest rates and better terms than conventional mortgages, and are offered exclusively to service members and certain military spouses.

It is time now for mortgage minutes Brought to you by new American funding And today I am here with Jeff and Jeff It is awesome to be here with you today And we're going to be talking about VA Loans today so what do people need to Know yeah always good to see you Greer So the VA loan if a client calls me and Says hey Jeff what tell me about loan Programs right and we start going Through them and I give them the Government loan programs and one of them Is at a VA loan and I say that is the Pinnacle of mortgages okay if that Pinnacle why is that one for you well Some of the great attributes of the VA Loan are zero percent down which you Know people love that right and then the Other great feature is there's something With all loans carry with less than 20 Percent down except for VA which is Called PMI or private mortgage insurance With the VA loan you don't actually have To That's correct yeah so with you know Conventional mortgages FHA USDA calls it Something a little bit differently but They all have PMI if you don't put 20 Down and okay so we say VA loan who all Qualifies for that VA loan yeah that's a Great question so if you served in the Military whether you're active duty now Or you served in the past and also if You were in the reserves you potentially

Qualified for a VA mortgage so it sounds Like if you qualify for a VA loan you Definitely need to get more information Because it really could be a great Program for someone out there right yeah You know when again with the government Loans they're primary residences right Um but a VA loan if you qualify for it You have your DD214 and your Certificate Of Eligibility are the two documents That we look for but if you do qualify That is the loan that you'd want to go With okay so Jeff if there's someone out There that would love to get some more Information what's the easiest way to do That well thank you so much again so uh If you want to contact me directly you Can call me at 404-915-6834 or you can look on the web At you find your Home let us do the rest

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