New American Funding – FHA Loans 2309

[Music] It is time now for mortgage minutes Brought to you by new American funding And today I'm here with Jeff and Jeff it Is always great to see you how are you Today doing fabulous thanks girl how are You I'm so good and today we are here to Talk about FHA Loans so why don't we First just talk about maybe the benefit And why someone would be interested in An FHA loan yeah so lots of programs out There right Um you know when clients calling to say Hey you know tell me about mortgages Jeff and I say okay well I'll just give You 30 000 foot one of the first Forks In the road is going to be your credit Score right so the FHA mortgage really Captures that lower to Mid credit score Yeah another thing that it captures is Maybe if somebody doesn't want to put as Much money down so you're able to Actually put the three and a half Percent which I've learned from Jeff Through the past and that's kind of that Starter amount but what if even that Three and a half percent might be a Struggle are there options to for some Down payment assistance yeah absolutely So there's several programs out there For first-time homebuyer slash down Payment assistance right fundamentally Those programs are FHA mortgage for the Most part so when a client calls

Regardless of credit score and they're Saying hey Jeff what are my options for Down payment assistance or did somebody Help me with the down payment Um we go right back to the FHA mortgage Yeah and how common would you say the FHA mortgage is when you're working with Clients oh gosh well I think it depends On lenders right and loan officers quite Frankly uh my team for instance a couple Of years ago we were a 65 FHA or Government and you know the rest of it Was conventional right now we run at About 50 50. wow and do you feel like a Lot of those home buyers are potentially People that maybe didn't think they Could purchase a home yeah absolutely You know that home buyer you know for Whatever the reason hey I don't make Enough money I don't have the down Payment my credit's not good enough Those are all reasons that a client Would call us and say hey I just don't Know where I'm at and and sometimes you Find that hey wait you got perfect Credit you make a boatload of money and Sometimes um it's like hey you know what We have a program that solves that for You right right well I'm sure there's Some people out there that are you know Wondering the same thing and would love To you know have someone to talk to to Navigate that conversation so if they Wanted to reach out and find out more

What would be the best way to do that Yeah well we'd love to talk to anybody Right so if you want to contact me Directly call me at 404-915-6834 if you want to go to the Web you find your Home let us do the rest

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