Pella Window and Door of Georgia 2304

Pella Window and Door of Georgia

With Pella, you get so much more than stunning windows, patio doors and front doors. We go beyond to design and manufacture quality products that exceed your expectations.

Foreign Georgia and I am here with Brian and Brian there are three segments to Pella In your business there is the Replacement section there's also trade And Commercial and today we're going to Really focus on the replacement side of Things so there's a lot of homeowners Out there so why don't we talk a little Bit about the process of replacing your Windows yeah I appreciate that because It is hard sometimes for people to Understand the full magnitude of what we Do with Windows because it's windows and Doors and it seems really simple but It's important that you were able to Diversify and help each part of our Business as far as homeowners to Builders and Commercial Builders and With the homeowners it's really helping Them you know we we try to come into the Home and really be a consultant and that Really starts with when we first talk to Them and doing Discovery and understand What they're really looking for and then Really making sure that we're not Pushing something on them that's not a Valuable to their home or really hitting The needs that they need and why they Really called us in the first place in What they're seeing with some issues Maybe with the existing product that and You're going to stay with that homeowner Through the life of those windows right

Absolutely yeah so we're we're really TurnKey and a lot of companies can say That but for us we're repellent with the Way we work with the corporate side on The product you know we're coming in and We're sitting out with that homeowner Really going in depth on the product and We're going through their needs analysis And understanding what may they may need For the home but then once we get the Sale complete we're there we're Installing the product we're making sure Everything is right when we do that and Then we service and we the warranty come Comes through the pellet side so we Really are truly there from start to Finish as a company yep and I'm sure There's a lot Maybe have a home Home Been in there for a while how do you Know what are some signs that it might Be time to replace your windows that's a Really good question so really what we Try to do is as we get in there and we Have what's called a Pella care Inspection so we get into the home and Whether they're asking us to come Replace a door or one window we're gonna Still you know for that to help them do A walk through that house and make sure We're taking care of them but it really Depends on the product right so there's Vinyl there's wood there's aluminum

There's so many different material types So really it depends on the material Type and in our Market there's a lot of Wood shop built product that's been put In homes for years and years so in that Case you can kind of get in there see Where there might be some deterioration Vinyl sometimes there can be some glass Issues you know there's just a lot of Things that can you have to really go in And look at and be knowledgeable on what You're looking for yeah all right well Brian thanks so much for being here with Me today and if you are looking to Replace your windows come and check out The pellet showroom right here in Duluth Or you can go to their website at

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