Smith Douglas Homes – Happy New Year! 2250

Smith Douglas Homes – Happy New Year!

Foreign Smith Douglas has communities all around The Metro Atlanta area and today I am so Excited to be here with Jamie who is the VP of sales for Smith Douglas and it's New Year's Eve here we are it's at the End of the year so Jamie like what what Are some of the things you think about When you think about this past year wow It's been a really great year despite All of the changes and challenges that Have presented for us as well as our Customers but we are excited that we Have had a wonderful year and we've had Almost a thousand people entrust us with New homes this year so wow we're really Excited about that and we want to thank All of our customers that have chosen us You know I think it's really important To talk about the mission of Smith Douglas I love that you know making home Ownership affordable is such a priority Can you talk a little bit about that Mission yes absolutely so here at Smith Douglas it is definitely our mission to Enhance the quality of people's lives And a big way to do that for a lot of Individual is providing a house you know A roof and affordability is our method That we really try to bring to help People enhance so so once they buy their House there's still money left you know After that purchase as well right and That's so important especially now when

Everyone talks about inflation and you Know just different things in the Economy and just knowing that you're Able to still keep your prices Affordable is so valuable for homeowners And as we look into 2023 what are we Going to see from Smith Douglas homes Yes gosh you say 2023. it's at the Second time I can't believe it's here But we are excited to continue to expand Our footprint here in Atlanta we are Going to go to some new markets that Were pretty excited about because we Have consumers that definitely want to Be there and let us know we really try To travel to those locations where People want to be and where we can bring Affordability well it was an exciting 2022 looks like it'll be an exciting 2023 so thanks Jamie so much for being Here with me today and if you want to Learn more about Smith Douglas you can Go to their websites with Where it's your home your choice Within Reach

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