Waterford at Briarcliff – Rocklyn Homes 2314

Waterford at Briarcliff – Rocklyn Homes

In the exclusive area of Atlanta, will be one of Rocklyn Homes’ newest communities, Waterford at Briarcliff. Located just off of Briarcliff Road, it is at the north end of Briarcliff with Tucker to the East and Brookhaven to the west.

Foreign At Briarcliff is part of the Custom Homes division from Rockland homes and Today I am here with TR and TR this is Really exciting I am thrilled to be here I see these gorgeous homes coming up Behind us so what can you tell us So Greer we're first of all we're Excited to bring our Rockland custom Division to the North Druid Hills Briarcliff area we're inside the Perimeter we're conveniently located to Everywhere we've got six houses I know We'll talk about that a little bit more Pricing the one three to one point six Range so we're very excited to be here Yeah I mean this really is a special Collection of homes and I know that You've taken a lot of time and there's Been a lot of details involved so what Can you tell us about you know what what This collection is going to be like so Our design team we started prior to Permits and went through each house we Have a great design team that has spent A tremendous amount of time on each House to make each one unique each one Individual and each one really cool well TR from the outside it looks like these Homes are really coming along so when Will this collection be ready sir Greer All six homes should be ready to close Mid-summer well since the homes are Going to be done by summer that means in

Time for school for the kids yes it does We're excited to be in an area where we Have such a great variety of public as Well as private schools for the kids to Attend and let's talk One thing that's really great about this North Druid Hills Briarcliff area is the Fact that it's so convenient to all the Shopping Lenox Phipps your convenient to Mercedes-Benz you have great restaurants Both in Brookhaven North Jewett Hills Area Decatur we're smacking the middle Of all that so we're very excited about That it really is centrally located well People want to find out more about this Collection of homes what's the best way To do that the best way to do it is to Check us out online rocklinhomes.com Waterford at Briarcliff well TR thanks So much for being here with me today I Can't wait to see these homes come Together and you do not want to miss out On this special collection of Custom Homes Waterford at Briarcliff by Rockland homes

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